Click & Collect
You can reserve an item at any of our London stores (Balham, Crouch End and West Hampstead), as well as confirm they have an item in stock by clicking on the Stock Location tab on the relevant product page. Where an item is not at the location of your choice, you'll have the option to order it. In either case, with a click, an email is automatically generated that goes to the store and they'll confirm with you as soon as your item is ready for collection. Payment is taken upon collection - this is to protect our customers from fraud.
Season West Hampstead
166 West End Lane, London, NW6 1SD
Monday 11am - 5pm
020 7794 4055
Directions from public transport
From West Hampstead tube
Come out of the tube and turn right along West End Lane. We’re a five minute walk on the same side of the road (on the right).
Come out of the station, turn left along West End Lane and we’re a one or two minute walk on the right (across the road).