Gifts for lovers of tea and coffee
Season West Hampstead
166 West End Lane, London, NW6 1SD
Monday 11am - 5pm
020 7794 4055
Directions from public transport
From West Hampstead tube
Come out of the tube and turn right along West End Lane. We’re a five minute walk on the same side of the road (on the right).
Come out of the station, turn left along West End Lane and we’re a one or two minute walk on the right (across the road).

I grew up in central India with my Mother's amazing food, with what I love to eat and cook broadening since moving to London. A complete dessert fiend, I am rather partial to cheesecake, but for those with a sweet tooth, you cannot beat Gulab jamun - like little doughnuts with cardamom, steeped in rose and saffron syrup!
Emily has a wide remit when it comes to cooking and baking, but is particularly loving anything with a teriyaki glaze at the moment, after learning from her best friend who has just returned from Japan with lots of culinary inspiration. When it comes to baking, Emily believes the classics can’t be beaten (pun intended) when done well, and maintains that world peace could probably be brought about if there were only enough tea and Victoria Sponge for all.

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Area Manager
I grew up in Puglia, Italy, making fresh pasta every day with my grandma (it was often said this was the only thing that would keep me quiet). I moved to London in 2014, have loved discovering new cuisines, and am a recent convert to Indian and Thai cooking. I am passionate both about great cooking, and a bit of a nerd when it comes to the tools that make great cooking easier, often reading up about them at home, when not cooking!
Cake Tin Hire
Let your imagination go crazy without clogging up your cupboards.

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